第2回日本和文化グランプリ 受賞作家作品展示販売会  in ユナイテッドアローズ六本木ヒルズ店内インショップ「順理庵」のご案内

第2回日本和文化グランプリ 受賞作家作品展示販売会 (Exhibition and Sale of Works by Award-winning Artists of the 2nd Japanese Wabunka (Culture) Grand Prix)


第二回 日本和文化グランプリ 受賞作家作品展示販売会
■第二回 日本和文化グランプリ 受賞作家作品展示販売会

時間:12:00~18:00 ※最終日は17時まで
場所: 順理庵 六本木ヒルズ店
   〒106-0032東京都港区六本木6-10-3六本木ヒルズ ウェストウォーク3階
   ユナイテッドアローズ 六本木ヒルズ店内

■Exhibition and Sale of Works by Award-winning Artists of the 2nd Japanese Wabunka (Culture) Grand Prix

Exhibition Period: Tuesday, April 11th – Friday, April 21st, 2023
Open from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m .
*Closes at 5:00 p.m. on the last day
Venue: Junri-an Roppongi Hills at United Arrows
3F Roppongi Hills West Walk, 6-10-3 Roppongi,
Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
Tel: 03-5772-5501

■We are pleased to announce the winners of the second Japanese Wabunka (Culture) Grand Prix.

【グランプリ】羅琪「Chiritori x Houki 2.0」

今回展示される作品は、昨年グランプリをいただいた『Chiritori x Houki 』の新バージョンや今まで自身で製作した様々な作品も一緒に展示しております。
羅 琪

[Grand Prix] “Chiritori x Houki 2.0” by Lo Chi

“I am pleased to present a new version of “Chiritori x Houki” which won the Grand Prix last year, as well as a variety of other works.
Please come by all means at this opportunity. I am looking forward to seeing you at the exhibition.”
Lo Chi 

■羅 琪氏 在店予定
4/16(日)14時~ 予定しております。

羅 琪 (ロチ)
1988年  台湾台北生まれ
2014年  台湾藝術大學大學院工芸設計研究科工芸専攻 ( 木工芸 ) 修士修了
2016年  東京藝術大學大學院美術研究科工芸専攻 ( 木工芸 ) 研究生修了
2017年 株式会社 HACOA 商品開発デザイナー
2020年 株式会社天童木工 デザイナー
2019年度 全国伝統的工芸品公募展  中小企業庁長官賞
2018年 第 63 回常滑市美術展  大賞
2015年度 全国伝統的工芸品公募展 中小企業庁長官賞
2015 年 第 4 回そば猪口アート公募展 審査員賞
2011 年 台灣彰化工藝雙年 大賞
2011年 東京大學 Intermediatheque 複合媒體中心家具競賽 銀賞
2011 年 德居家具新人賞 銀賞
2009年 台灣藝術大學工藝系系展 大賞工藝賞
ホームページ :https://www.instagram.com/chi_lo122/

Lo Chi
1988 Born in Taipei, Taiwan
2014 M.F.A. in Crafts (Wood Crafts), Graduate School of Crafts and Design, National Taiwan University of the Arts
2016 Completed the research course at Department of Crafts (Woodcraft), Faculty of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School
2017 Product Development Designer, HACOA Co.
2020 Designer, Tendo Co.

2019 Prize of Smaller Enterprise Agency’s Director, National Traditional Crafts Competition
2018 Grand Prize, 63rd Tokoname City Art Exhibition
2015 Prize of Smaller Enterprise Agency’s Director, National Traditional Crafts Competition
2015 Jury Prize, The 4th Soba-choko Art Competition, Japan
2011 Grand Prize, Taiwan Changhua Crafts Shuangyan
2011 Silver Prize, Intermediatheque Composite Media Center Furniture Competition, University of Tokyo
2011 Silver Prize, Deui Furniture Newcomer Award
2009 Grand Prize, Department of Crafts, Faculty of Crafts Taiwan National University of Arts and Crafts Exhibition, Taiwan

Website: https://www.instagram.com/chi_lo122/
【優秀賞】平山日用品店 平山和彦・真喜子「patol stool SEIZA」

受賞作のpatol stool SEIZAを始め、私共の作品が皆様の暮らしに彩りを添える一助となりましたら幸いです。是非この機会にご高覧下さい。
平山日用品店 平山和彦・真喜子

[Excellence Award] “patol stool SEIZA” by Kazuhiko and Makiko Hirayama, Hirayama Youhin Ten

“We hope that our works, including the award-winning patol stool SEIZA, will help to add color to your daily life. We hope you will take this opportunity to enjoy them.”
Kazuhiko and Makiko Hirayama, Hirayama Youhin Ten

■平山和彦氏 平山真喜子氏 在店予定

平山 和彦
1980年愛知県名古屋市生まれ 有限会社京都指物で修行後、平山日用品店設立。

平山 真喜子
1980年京都府城陽市生まれ ライフスタイルに関わる様々な職種に携わった後、平山日用品店設立。

伝統と最新の技術を用いた丁寧な製作によって、 永く愛される日用品を作り続けていくことを目指しています。

Kazuhiko Hirayama
Born in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture in 1980. After training at Kyoto Sashimono, he established Hirayama Youhin Ten with Makiko.

Makiko Hirayama
Born in Joyo City, Kyoto Prefecture in 1980. After working in a variety of lifestyle-related occupations, she established Hirayama Youhin Ten with Kazuhiko.

“We believe that the daily items must grow into something more beautiful and more attached to us over the course of our lives.
Our goal is to continue to create everyday items that will be loved for a long time through solid woods that can be enjoyed as it ages, and designs that emphasize ‘forms coming out of a function’, and well-made production with mixture of traditions and the latest technology.”
【優秀賞】児玉理文・石川大樹「Floating Boat Counter」

[Excellence Award]
“Floating Boat Counter” by Masafumi Kodama and Daiki Ishikawa
“The best of Japanese wooden construction techniques, represented by shrines and temples, have been cultivated and passed down to the present day by “Miyadaiku” who is a highly skilled carpenter specializing in shrines and temples, and other craftsmen. We believe that what has been developed is not only technique, but also delicate aesthetics sense of wood and unique aesthetics by themselves. Our works are designed to blend the charm of wood into modern daily life casually. We hope you will take this opportunity to enjoy our works.”
Masafumi Kodama and Daiki Ishikawa



Masafumi Kodama
Graduated from the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, and completed his graduate studies in architecture at the same university.
While studying contemporary architectural technology and design, he spent a year at Okutani-Gumi Co., Ltd., where he learned about traditional wooden architecture under the guidance of “Miyadaiku” who is highly skilled carpenter specializing in shrines and temples.
Currently, he is mainly engaged in restoration of old private houses and design of wooden architecture, while engaging in creative activities.
Licensed Architect (1st grade)

Daiki Ishikawa
After studying architecture at the Monotsukuri University, he joined Okutani-Gumi Co., Ltd., where he worked as a “Miyadaiku” on the restoration of the national treasures, such as Mieido hall of Chion-in (Monastery of Gratitude) and the preservation and repair of many cultural properties such as Kitano Tenmangu Shrine.
After that, he participated in the launch of the Kousyou Hitachi company and is now independent.
He is now working in a wide range of wooden buildings, as well as temples and shrines.
Carpenter(1st Grade)|Licensed Architect (2nd grade)